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来源: 发布时间:2022-02-14


姓名:贺卓然   职称:副教授



通讯地址:湖北省武汉市武昌区友谊大道368 湖北大学物电学院




2012/9 2019/2 美国哥伦比亚大学 物理学 硕博连读

2008/9 2012/7 北京大学 物理学 学士


2022/1 — 至今 湖北大学 物理与电子科学学院 校聘副教授

2019/3 2021/12 华中科技大学 物理学院 博士后



获选2019年度博士后国际交流引进计划 (2019)
获选哥伦比亚大学物理学 Mini-Cuspea 项目 (2012)
本科期间荣获POSCO Asia Fellowship (2009)
北大新生入学奖 (2008) 39届IPhO物理奥赛金牌 (2008)


2012年以来一直从事强关联材料及磁性、超导电性的研究,在 Physical Review 系列、New Journal of PhysicsNPJ Computational Materials 等杂志上发表论文十余篇,引用百余次,主持国家自然科学青年基金在研。

Zhuoran He and Tingtao Zhou, A model for cooperative scientific research inspired by the ant colony algorithm, PLoS One  17, e0262933 (2022)

Zhuoran He and Gang Xu, Model studies of topological phase transitions in materials with two types of magnetic atoms, Physical Review B  104, 235108 (2021)

Zhuoran He, Aiyun Luo, Biao Lian, and Gang Xu, Interplay of topological electrons and magnons in the Kagome magnet CoCu3(OH)6Cl2, New Journal of Physics  23, 113007 (2021)

Jinyu Zou, Zhuoran He, and Gang Xu, Higher-order topological insulators in a crisscross antiferromagnetic model, Physical Review B  100, 235137 (2019)

Jinyu Zou, Zhuoran He, and Gang Xu, The study of magnetic topological semimetals by first principles calculations, NPJ Computational Materials  5, 96 (2019)

Zhuoran He, Computational studies and algorithmic research of strongly correlated materials, arXiv :1902.06606 (2019) (PhD dissertation)

Zhuoran He and Andrew Millis, Entanglement entropy and computational complexity of the periodically driven Anderson impurity model, Physical Review B  99, 205138 (2019)

Zhuoran He and Andrew Millis, Entanglement entropy and computational complexity of the Anderson impurity model out of equilibrium: Quench dynamics, Physical Review B  96, 085107 (2017)

Zhuoran He and Andrew Millis, Photoinduced phase transitions in narrow-gap Mott insulators: The case of VO2, Physical Review B  93,115126 (2016)

Zhuoran He and Andrew Millis, Strain control of electronic phase in rare-earth nickelates, Physical Review B  91, 195138 (2015)

He Zhuo-Ran, Wu Tai-Lin, Ouyang Qi, and Tu Yu-Hai, A population-level model from the microscopic dynamics in Escherichia coli chemotaxis via Langevin approximation, Chinese Physics B  21 (9), 098701 (2012)

Xuejun Zhu, Guangwei Si, Nianpei Deng, Qi Ouyang, Tailin Wu, Zhuoran He, Lili Jiang, Chunxiong Luo, and Yuhai Tu, Frequency-Dependent Escherichia coli Chemotaxis Behavior, Physical Review Letters  108, 128101 (2012)


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